The program provides: generator of latex strings, greek symbols, lower indexes, exponent higher indexes,
the formula RTF format representation allows to use formula in text editors supports RTF , save variables at current session,
full control intermediate results, save results at file
The AnEasyCalc program is - the math expressions interpreter and analyser, the RTF formulas editor and Latex string generator.
That means, this program allows:
-to type whole the expression, and do the result computation after that;
-to check the results of intermediate actions;
-to edit the formula using the RTF format advantages that allows to use formula in verious RTF text editors;
-to get the string compatible with Latex format for using on the sites which recognize it and in some publishing systems which support that format.
The formula natural view rendering is possible due to the latex string generated by program:.
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"AnEasyCalc" has been tested in the Softpedia labs using several industry-leading security solutions and found to be completely clean of adware/spyware components. Moreover, experts of Softpedia labs are strict and precise, so we are pleased to get such a good estimate of our product consumer quality:

This demo version is unlimited by the use time, but has a limmited functionality:
Download free demo version AnEasyCalc
Important Note: you have to install the demo version before you try to get the full version key, this action allows you to get your user_id key from the installed on your PC demo. so click "Download free demo version" link to install demo if you did not do that already.
Get the full version key
GIFT: Download AnEasyLaTeXViewLT, - the FREE tool for LaTeX math string viewing:
Download free AnEasyLaTeXViewLT
Note: This program shows the math formula view and will be useful itself or as an addition to an AnEasyCalc program.